Upcoming Physics Conferences
Here is a selected list of forthcoming conferences in Physics. You are welcome to freely advertize Physics jobs or conferences in 2Physics by sending an email to 2Physics@gmail.com.
March 5-9: Foundations of quantum theory "special focus session" on foundations of quantum theory at the APS March Meeting (Denver, CO)
March 12-16: Nano and giga challenges (Tempe, AZ)
March 16-17: 23rd Pacific Coast Gravity Meeting (Caltech, Pasadena)
March 23-April 3: Quantum Gravity School (Zakopane, Poland)
March 24-29: The origin of galaxies (Otz Valley, nr. Innsbruck, Austria)
March 26-31: X hadron physics (Florianopolis, Brazil)
March 26-31: Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics (Dresden, Germany)
April 10-13: BICOS 2007 -- Bilbao Encounter On New Standard Cosmology (Bilbao, Spain)
April 23-27: Advanced computing and analysis techniques in physics (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
May 10-12: The Hunt for Dark Matter: A Symposium on Collider, Direct and Indirect Searches (Fermilab, Batavia, IL)
May 12-16: Black Holes VI (White Point Resort, Prince Edward Island, Canada)
May 14-17: Origins of dark energy: conference and workshop (Hamilton, Canada)
May 14-18: Dark side of the universe (Villa Olmo, Italy)
May 14-18: Intl workshop on quantum noise (Caloundra, Australia)
May 18-20: 12th Canadian Conference on General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics (Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada)
May 18-20: Workshop: excursions in the dark (Waterloo, Canada)
May 20-26: Matter and Energy in the Universe: from nucleosynthesis to cosmology (Chateau de Blois, France)
May 28-June 22: Theoretical advanced study institute (TASI) in elementary particle physics: "String Universe" (Boulder, Colorado, USA)
June 1-5: Central European workshop on quantum optics, 14th edition (Palermo, Italy)
June 4-7: 6th intl conference on nuclear and radiation physics (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
June 5-9: Annual APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting (Calgary, Canada)
June 10-13: From Quantum to Cosmos II -- Space-based Research in Fundamental Physics and Quantum Technologies (Bremen, Germany)
June 10-13: Intl conference on quantum information (Rochester, NY)
June 11-22: Summer school on particle physics (Trieste, Italy)
June 11-29: Physics at TeV colliders (Les Houches, France)
June 16-20: 4th intl workshop on quantum chromodynamics - theory and experiment (Bari, Italy)
June 18-20 SciNeGHE07: Fifth Workshop on Science with the New Generation of High Energy Gamma-ray Experiments (Villa Mondragone, Frascati, Rome, Italy)
June 18-22: School on attractor mechanism (Frascati, Italy)
June 22-July 3: 19th Petrov school -- summer school-seminar on recent problems in theoretical and mathematical physics (Kazan, Russia)
June 26-29: Physics in collision symposium on elementary and astro-particle physics (Annecy, France)
July 2-27: ESF school of theoretical physics: string theory and the real world (Les Houches, France)
July 8-14: 7th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational waves (Sydney, Australia)
July 13-17: 'Cosmology and Strings' Workshop (ICTP, Trieste, Italy)
July 26-August 1: 15th intl conference on supersymmetry and the unification of fundamental interactions (Karlsruhe, Germany)
July 30-August 11: Cosmology and particle physics beyond the standard models (Cargese, France)
August 16-18: 11th Paris cosmology colloquium (Paris, France)
August 23-29: 13th Lomonosov conferences on elementary particle physics (Moscow, Russia)
September 2-6: Photons, atoms, and qubits (Royal Society, London, UK)
September 3-7: 3rd intl conference on physics and control (Potsdam, Germany)
September 2-7: Quantum Field Theory (Leipzig, Germany)
September 11-14: Recent advances in quantum integrable systems (Annecy-le-Vieux, France)
September 24-28: 6th intl Heidelberg conference on dark matter in astro & particle physics(Sydney, Australia)
October 1-5: Planets to Dark Energy (Manchester,UK)
October 11-13: Algebra, geometry, and mathematical physics (Göteborg, Sweden)
October 28-November 2: 7th intl conference on complex systems (Boston, MA)
November 4-10: Noise, information and complexity at quantum scale (Erice, Sicily, Italy)
December 4-9: Intl conference on magnetic materials (Kolkata, India)
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