Upcoming Physics Conferences
[To add an upcoming physics conference to this list, please send an email to 2Physics@gmail.com ]
October 1-5: Planets to Dark Energy (Manchester,UK)
October 8-14: Advanced string school (Bhubaneswar, India)
October 11-13: Algebra, geometry, and mathematical physics (Göteborg, Sweden)
October 24-26: Decrypting the universe (Edinburgh, UK)
October 28-November 2: 7th intl conference on complex systems (Boston, MA)
November 4-10: Noise, information and complexity at quantum scale (Erice, Sicily, Italy)
November 14-16: Euroflavour 07 - annual meeting of the flavianet European network (Orsay, France)
November 21-24: Combinatorial physics (Kraków, Poland)
November 30- December 2: Vienna Central European seminar on particle physics and quantum field theory, "commutative and noncommutative quantum fields" (Vienna, Austria)
December 4-9: Intl conference on magnetic materials (Kolkata, India)
December 10-13: Strings and superstrings in observational cosmology (Paris, France)
December 13-18: Topical conference on elementary particles, astrophysics, and cosmology (Miami, Florida)
December 17-21: 6th International Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology (Pune, India)
January 15-25: 2nd Asian winter school on string theory (Kusatsu-Machi, Agatsuma-Gun Gunma, Japan)
January 21-25: Microlensing meeting (Manchester, UK)
February 8-16: 11th intl Moscow school of physics (Moscow, Russia)
February 20-22: Sources and detection of dark matter and dark energy in the universe (Marina del Rey, California, USA)
April 20-25: Loops and legs in quantum field theory (Sondershausen, Germany)
May 12-16: New paths to quantum gravity (Holbaek Bay, Denmark)
May 26-30: 8th intl conference on clifford algebras and their applications in mathematical physics (Campinas, Brazil)
June 12-14: Post Newton 2008 (Jena)
June 13-15: Nature and Ontology (Montreal)
June 15-20: 5th intl conference on new developments in photodetection (Aix-les-Bains, France)
June 16-20: LISA Symposium (Barcelona, Spain)
June 30- July 4: 6th Euromech nonlinear dynamics conference (St Petersburg, Russia)
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