Upcoming Physics Conferences
[To add an upcoming physics conference to this list, please send an email to 2Physics@gmail.com ]
February 20-22: Sources and detection of dark matter and dark energy in the universe (Marina del Rey, California, USA)
February 25-29: Nonequilibrium Phenomena (UC, Santa Barbara)
March 15-22: Moriond Cosmology Rencontre (La Thuile, Italy)
March 18-19: BritGrav 8 (York, UK)
March 24-28: Workshop on classical and quantum information theory (Santa Fe, New Mexico)
March 27-29: Astrophysical Tests of Fundamental Physics (Porto, Portugal)
April 20-25: Loops and legs in quantum field theory (Sondershausen, Germany)
May 7-9: Physics of the Universe (Madrid, Spain)
May 12-16: New paths to quantum gravity (Holbaek Bay, Denmark)
May 18-23: Challenges in particle astrophysics (Blois, France)
May 26-30: 8th intl conference on clifford algebras and their applications in mathematical physics (Campinas, Brazil)
June 2-7: Mathematical aspects of quantum chaos (Montréal, Canada)
June 4-6: Recent Developments in Gravity (Thessaloniki, Greece)
June 6-28: Theory and particle physics: the LHC perspective and beyond (Cargese, France)
June 9-13: Hyperbolic Problems (Maryland)
June 9-13: 16th intl conference on ultrafast phenomena (Stresa, Italy)
June 12-14: Post Newton 2008 (Jena, Germany)
June 13-15: Nature and Ontology (Montreal)
June 15-20: 5th intl conference on new developments in photodetection (Aix-les-Bains, France)
June 16-20: LISA Symposium (Barcelona, Spain)
June 17-25: Intl Fermi School of Physics "measurements of neutrino mass" (Varenna, Italy)
June 23-28: RUSGRAV-13 (Moscow, Russia)
June 27- July 5: Erice Simulation school (Erice, Italy)
June 30- July 4: 6th Euromech nonlinear dynamics conference (St Petersburg, Russia)
June 30-July 4: QG2, Quantum Geometry and Quantum Gravity Conference (Nottingham, UK)
July 7-11: Dark Energy and Dark Matter (Lyon, France)
August 25-29: Geometry and Analysis (Stockholm)
August 25-29: 22nd general conference of the condensed matter division of the European Physical Society (Rome, Italy)
August 26-29: Strong and Electroweak Matter (Amsterdam) Contact: sewm08@science.uva.nl
September 7-12: 100 Years after Minkowski (Bad Honnef, Germany)
September 15-19: Raman scattering in materials science (Warsaw, Poland)
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