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2Physics Quote:
"Many of the molecules found by ROSINA DFMS in the coma of comet 67P are compatible with the idea that comets delivered key molecules for prebiotic chemistry throughout the solar system and in particular to the early Earth increasing drastically the concentration of life-related chemicals by impact on a closed water body. The fact that glycine was most probably formed on dust grains in the presolar stage also makes these molecules somehow universal, which means that what happened in the solar system could probably happen elsewhere in the Universe."
-- Kathrin Altwegg and the ROSINA Team

(Read Full Article: "Glycine, an Amino Acid and Other Prebiotic Molecules in Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko"

Monday, February 11, 2008

Upcoming Physics Conferences

[To add an upcoming physics conference to this list, please send an email to 2Physics@gmail.com ]

February 20-22: Sources and detection of dark matter and dark energy in the universe (Marina del Rey, California, USA)
February 25-29: Nonequilibrium Phenomena (UC, Santa Barbara)
March 15-22: Moriond Cosmology Rencontre (La Thuile, Italy)
March 18-19: BritGrav 8 (York, UK)
March 24-28: Workshop on classical and quantum information theory (Santa Fe, New Mexico)
March 27-29: Astrophysical Tests of Fundamental Physics (Porto, Portugal)
April 20-25: Loops and legs in quantum field theory (Sondershausen, Germany)
May 7-9: Physics of the Universe (Madrid, Spain)
May 12-16: New paths to quantum gravity (Holbaek Bay, Denmark)
May 18-23: Challenges in particle astrophysics (Blois, France)
May 26-30: 8th intl conference on clifford algebras and their applications in mathematical physics (Campinas, Brazil)
June 2-7: Mathematical aspects of quantum chaos (Montréal, Canada)
June 4-6: Recent Developments in Gravity (Thessaloniki, Greece)
June 6-28: Theory and particle physics: the LHC perspective and beyond (Cargese, France)
June 9-13: Hyperbolic Problems (Maryland)
June 9-13: 16th intl conference on ultrafast phenomena (Stresa, Italy)
June 12-14: Post Newton 2008 (Jena, Germany)
June 13-15: Nature and Ontology (Montreal)
June 15-20: 5th intl conference on new developments in photodetection (Aix-les-Bains, France)
June 16-20: LISA Symposium (Barcelona, Spain)
June 17-25: Intl Fermi School of Physics "measurements of neutrino mass" (Varenna, Italy)
June 23-28: RUSGRAV-13 (Moscow, Russia)
June 27- July 5: Erice Simulation school (Erice, Italy)
June 30- July 4: 6th Euromech nonlinear dynamics conference (St Petersburg, Russia)
June 30-July 4: QG2, Quantum Geometry and Quantum Gravity Conference (Nottingham, UK)
July 7-11: Dark Energy and Dark Matter (Lyon, France)
August 25-29: Geometry and Analysis (Stockholm)
August 25-29: 22nd general conference of the condensed matter division of the European Physical Society (Rome, Italy)
August 26-29: Strong and Electroweak Matter (Amsterdam) Contact: sewm08@science.uva.nl
September 7-12: 100 Years after Minkowski (Bad Honnef, Germany)
September 15-19: Raman scattering in materials science (Warsaw, Poland)



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